Sharing Hope, Joy, and Peace through the Arts
Sharing Hope, Joy, and Peace through the Arts

An Angel of Mercy


On Sale Now….

AN ANGEL OF MERCY answers questions few dare to voice; and states opinions few dare to own, all coming from a Christian based perspective. The author has taken out her shovel and has dug up the Church, exposing the good, the bad, and the ugly. She has also taken the healing balm of empathy, love, and forgiveness, and addressed many issues of controversy and reproach with compassion and concern.      

 An Angel of Mercy tells of an ill-fated love affair that left Ana alone and pregnant in the early fifties. It’s a story of a prominent family who had secrets knitted in Ana’s past. It tells of a displaced Preacher and of social and racial injustice. In a small town in Illinois lived a lonely old woman, a recluse, who found a way to communicate love and wisdom to a community that had shamed her and shunned her and had disregarded her humanity. Ana’s story looks long and hard at imperfections and faults and offers a chance for change.

Ana Marianna personifies what God would have every one of us to be, AN ANGEL OF MERCY.

Front Cover Design: Audrey Semprun Back Cover Photo: Sara M. Diaz Photography